1st UN Climate Justice Summit held with the support of Liberal International

This week, the first Liberal International’s Climate Justice Summit will be held. This UN linked event will be co-hosted by Liberal International’s President Hakima el Haité and liberal Senegalese President Macky Sall.
Climate Justice action is needed to prevent environmental degradation and human suffering.

This week, the first Liberal International’s Climate Justice Summit will be held. This UN linked event will be co-hosted by Liberal International’s President Hakima el Haité and liberal Senegalese President Macky Sall.

It will be the first High Level Climate Justice Summit co-hosted by Liberal International. This meeting aims to actively link the work of Liberal International’s Climate Justice Committee to the United Nations Climate Summit in order to ensure that Liberal Voices are effectively heard. The summit will highlight liberal-based climate adaptation strategies that can be effectively applied to prevent escalation of environmental degradation and the ensuing human suffering. Only liberals can effectively carve a way forward for sustainable climate adaptation while safeguarding individual liberty, expanding opportunity for local communities, through the introduction of sustainable market-led economic transformation. We are in position to set global standards for reacting to the unavoidable impact of climate change.

In the panel, to be chaired by LI President of Honour, Dr Juli Minoves, will be present :

  • Activist Democrat Mayor Bill Peduto, Mayor of Pittsburgh ;
  • Shannon Caroll, Director of Global Environmental Sustainability at AT&T