Training for Cultural Plurality October 5 - 9

Training for Cultural Plurality

Training for civil society actors of cultural plurality was carried out between 5 and 9 October 2019 in Pertek Termal Hotel Istanbul Bilgi University - Research Group for Cultures of Turkey, in cooperation with Friedrich Naumann Stiftung, Munzur Academy and Municipality of Pertek.


25 non-academic researchers dealing with cultural diversity/plurality or certain cultural groups in Turkey participated in the training program during which theoretical-conceptual, methodological, legal and ethical framework of cultural studies and issues about archive-documentation, use of technical equipment and framework were taught within a 20-hour program in 5-day training period. The following trainers contributed to the program: Prof. Dr. Bülent Bilmez (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), Dr. Esengül Ayyıldız (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), Elif Yıldız (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), Gül Hür (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), Serhat Arslan (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), İsmail Yıldırım (Research Group for Cultures of Turkey), Dilek Souileau (Munzur Academy), Ferda Önen Cemri (Truth Justice Memory Center), Prof. Dr. Tayfun Atay Atay and lawyer Sennur Baybuğa. Apart from the academic program, a range of extra-curricular activities were carried out in order to strengthen group dynamics.


Through the 5-day training program, participants of cultural plurality from different regions of Turkey – particularly from Elazığ and Tunceli – have developed basis for sustainable relationships and cooperation among each other.