Youth Innovation Challenge
Myanmar Youths: Embracing Innovation for Hope of a Better Future


Throughout history, challenges and crises are ever-present. Yet, amidst adversity, innovation has consistently emerged as a beacon of hope, driving progress and improving lives worldwide. Over the past years, Myanmar has suffered greatly from the impacts of COVID Pandemic and other political factors. FNF believes in innovation and its power of brining positive impacts to the lives of people.

In partnership with Impact Hub Yangon, FNF Myanmar launched the Youth Innovation Challenge (YIC) Program in 2022 to empower young leaders and innovators in Myanmar who are eager to drive change through innovation. The program provides participants with both theoretical knowledge and practical experiences over a series of trainings and internships, equipping them with valuable skills in entrepreneurship, innovation, leadership, and soft skills development.


Minn Thuta Khant, a startup founder and entrepreneur, reflected on his unforgettable experience at YIC, “As I look back on those two months, I'm filled with gratitude for the experiences, and the lessons learned. The Youth Innovation Challenge wasn't just about innovation; it was about embracing the journey. From sketching out raw ideas to refining our pitches, every step of the process was an adventure. Looking back, it's amazing to see how much we've grown, both individually and as a team. The Youth Innovation Challenge wasn't just about coming up with cool ideas; it was about pushing ourselves beyond our comfort zones and embracing the spirit of entrepreneurship. Let's keep pushing boundaries, chasing dreams, and making a difference in the world.”

Securing a spot in YIC is highly competitive, with only 25 applicants chosen for each cohort each year from a pool of over 200 applications.


“To join YIC has been my goal since 2022, and I decided I will finish the course whatever happened in the country. I was able to learn a lot from the training. The best thing about joining YIC is I got a strong connection from different backgrounds and I had a lot of friends as well”, says Aung Sett Paing, a YIC alumni from Cohort 3.

The third cohort of the Youth Innovation Challenge (YIC) was successfully completed in April 2024. Since its inception in 2022, the program has served as a nurturing environment for youths to innovate and learn. Beyond skill development, the YIC program also promotes innovation competition, culminating in a final pitching competition where participants showcase their innovative solutions to address the challenges facing SMEs today.

YIc 5

“YIC pushed me out of my comfort zone, YIC opened my eyes to numerous paths and the power of choice in shaping my career. I am honored to have been a part of this journey, witnessing the spirit of creativity and innovation that drives our Youth Innovation Challenge Program, empowering young leaders to shape a brighter future.” Htoo Aung Shine, a 22-year-old university student, shared his experience of how the program has shaped his path and potential to further thrive in the innovation industry.

FNF Myanmar aims to empower youngsters to become changemakers in Myanmar. The program equips them to navigate the uncertainties of the present while building a brighter future for Myanmar. It also empowers Myanmar’s youths to not only survive but also thrive, fostering a generation of innovators.


Youth Innovation Challenge 2024

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