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Free to Be - Articles to rethink your future

libertad de ser

#LibreDeSer (Free to Be) emerged as a space to bring together 20 powerful Latin American voices in various areas, to share their experinces with us, the challenges they have faced and the way in which they have managed to face them and break that glass ceilings. The idea of ​​this event was to show a diverse panorama and various perspectives of life experience, to inspire the women of the region toachieve a greater awareness of themselves that will allow them to build a new future in whatever they decide to undertake. Given that in our region there is still a culture that diminishes opportunities for women and where the majority are more concerned with surviving than with living, FNF Latin America decided to make a document that summarizes the stories of these 20 women even more widely available, with the purpose of reaching more women who need inspiration to start leading their life and projects and can become free to be. You can read their stories here (Text in Spanish)

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