The 60th anniversary of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation für die Freiheit

FNF Malaysia
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung 

The 60th anniversary of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation für die Freiheit (Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom) took place in STATION Building, Berlin, on Thursday, May 10, 2018. The event was attended by hundreds of invitations, which consisted of both German Chancellor Angela Merkel and FDP Chairman Christian Lindner. In a political system, the political foundations certainly have high relevance in promoting and shaping critical democracy and civil society. Responsible freedom for oneself, others, society and country as well as civic engagemnet is one form of political education at the individual level conducted by the Naumann Foundation. A good and relevance democratic order is an important reason for the existence and sustainability of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in an effort to empower the community on economic, social and political issues.

FNF Malaysia
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung 
FNF Malaysia
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung 

Today, not all countries have an enabling environment for the exchange of ideas of democracy, but efforts to facilitate the idea should be best appreciated. There are still many places in the world where repression is still occurring, NGO activities are limited and some are forbidden to operate, and the worst is the prosecution of their own citizens.

FNF Malaysia
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung 

 Nevertheless, in essence a state which gives freedom to its citizens to participate in the political process should result in a just and humane state. In her speech, Chancellor Angela Merkel expressed her appreciation for the Friedrich Naumann Foundation's 60 years commitment in promoting civil rights and freedoms around the world. She also mentioned further that the Foundation 'For Freedom' is a pledge and a great hope. The addition of the word freedom to the name of the Naumann Foundation eleven years ago is not only listed as a word decoration, but has become a promise fulfilled by the Foundation. The Naumann Foundation is not afraid to confront and respond to difficult topics and actively participate in debates on current issues. At the end of her speech, Chancellor Angela Merkel conveyed, "I do not know if Friedrich Naumann agrees of the naming of the foundation on his behalf, But I believe that Friedrich Naumann is proud of the achievements of the Foundation for 60 years."