
An Eye Opening Experience by M. Khairul Afiq
ALF 2018
© M. Khairul Afiq 


        Asia Liberty Forum was held 9-11 February 2017 in Mumbai organized hosted by Centre for Civil Society. Atlas Network was partnering with think tanks across the globe to host regional liberty forums, and supported by Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF), John Templeton Foundation and Acton Institute allowing friends of liberty from across one continent or region to come together for professional development training, competitions for funding, strategy discussions, networking, and much more. 
        The conference was including keynote addresses and breakout sessions, superior networking opportunities, and friendly competition among think tanks. The conference will feature ‘Faces of Freedom’ a total of 220 delegates were people who were present from over 25 countries working to improve the climate of discussion for rational market-based economic policies and good governance.


          The program starts with Opening & Welcome by Baishali Bomjan from Centre for Civil Society, India was an overview on what’s happening in the liberal movement around the world and especially in Asia-our successes, challenges, and roadmap for the future. After the welcoming address at the start with the topic of conference “Winning the Battle of Ideas”. This session Chaired by Rainer Heufers, from Centre for Indonesian Policy Studies. Our Panelists: Tom Palmer, from Atlas Network, USA, Linda Whetstone, from Network for A Free Society, UK, Ma Jun Jie, from Unirule Institute of Economics, China, Raghav Bahl, from The Quint, India. This topic discusses on how to win the battle of ideas in the changing world around us to grow in a sense of justice and human freedom. Most of the panelist suggested that to compete in a collision idea today is to use technology. Technologies such as social media have an important role now as a medium for communication and persuasion. Technology refers to the collection of tools that make it easier to use, create, manage and exchange information. Technology also plays a role in making liberalism seem fun and exciting. After that forum is divided into breakout session.

Conference session
© M. Khairul Afiq 

Experience and Knowledge

           During the breakout session, I've learned from some of the sessions that have been shared by the panel include topic “How do we persuade people to embrace liberalism?” It has featured panelist who has managed to convey the message that liberal important target group, making the idea work based on relevant, easy to access and one of the panelists Ken Schoolland does share the success with writing the book The Adventures of Jonathan Gullible. This book is written chronicles the adventures of a boy named Jonathan Gullible who was stranded on an island that is to him with a strange and odd. Ken Schoolland writing this book 30 years ago in which he tried to approach writing a satire that explores the economic, social and constitution and law. This book was written to convey a message with fun about the ideas of liberalism. Several hundred people and more than forty public policy institutes and organizations around the globe produced or promoted a couple hundred thousand copies of JG in 71 published editions in 47 languages. Ken has shared its success with several translators to call up to the stage to share the success and experience of producing translations the book. Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) also called for sharing experiences translate these books in Malay language and I also contributed to the translation work together with Tarmizi Anuwar and Amin Ahmad.



With the author Ken Schoolland, The Adventure of Jonathan Gullible.
© M. Khairul Afiq 
Amin Ahmad Director Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)               share experiences and projects JG in the future.
© M. Khairul Afiq 

            Besides what I have learned is how panelist to share experiences, views and ideas on challenges to organize programs and activities among the youth. Panelists were discussed their strategies, successes and challenges in creating a sustained engagement with promising youth. I get the input of which the role of the program should be established to produce and assist them to develop as:

  1. Coordinator program,
  2. Professional training
  3. Empowerment students/support
  4. Project for helping them to find a job


Preparation program for the young generation should be based on capacity building to change the values of young people. Building community to become a champion but had some challenges are to find right people, to find the network can handle the training, internally for examples providing reading material. This is a challenge for which I have experienced is currently in preparation and training program. The next session of what I learned on the topic “Running Successful Think-Tank”. Think tanks are in the business of changing the world. But they are also businesses that have to deal with practical management issues such as human resource management, recruitment of interns and volunteers, taking care of finance and admin, managing incoming funds and monitoring project budgets, setting office procedures and policies. In this session, we ask panelists to share their experiences and lessons from managing a think tank start-up. Various methods used by each think tank in practice and activities include: knowledge driven, weekly news reading, discussion of ideas (brainstorming), recruitment, collaborative, coaching program, provide a reading club and engaging team.

          The next forum is to increase my knowledge on the topic “Fundraising: Getting Active and Getting Creative”. This think tank management session provides an opportunity to learn directly from those who invest in the worldwide freedom movement. Panelist shared what they look for in funding opportunities, and what groups could do better to earn lasting support. Fundraising is not begging, need to cultivated relationship, appreciate and acknowledge people. Demonstrate the need for your budget, learn about your donor, remember the power of images and ready to report the progress report. It is just a few tips that are shared by a panelist for the audience. Significant input has been given.

            I also gain experience of how competition Shark Tank Think Tank implemented. The competition was open to Atlas Leadership Academy graduates; three contestants from Asia have been chosen to pitch their innovative project before a panel of philanthropist and the regional network of free market think tanks for the chance to win $ 5,000. The Contestant is Adinda Muchtar from Suara Kebebasan, Indonesia, Akash Shrestha from Samriddhi Foundation, Nepal and Tricia Yeoh from the Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, Malaysia. Announcement of the winner in the last night Freedom Dinner and Asia Liberty Awards. The winner is Tricia Yeoh from Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs, Malaysia campaign to help small businesses and entrepreneurs in Malaysia, specifically those affected by the new Price Control Act mechanism.


Our contestant Shark Tank Think Tank Asia
© M. Khairul Afiq 
Tricia Yeoh winning the Grand Prize Shark Tank Think Tank Asia
© M. Khairul Afiq 

The Gala Freedom Dinner was an exclusive event closing what has been two incredible days of making new friends, learning new ideas and sharing work with those who are equally passionate about being in this movement. Amit Varma were deliver a keynote address on the subject of  ‘Freedom in India.’ Keynote were focus on how India’s unfolding demographic transformation can make it the most significant battleground for freedom in the history of humankind. Follow Video Keynote speech in this link       

           Asia Liberty Forum is a program that aims to build a network and meet new network partners in championing the idea of liberalism. Various knowledge and ideas can be shared and learned from friends who attended how they struggled to fight the idea of movement. Thanks to the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) and the Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) who have sent me to gain experience in this conference. Thanks to the organizers Centre for Civil Society, India and Atlas Network and supported the success of the program. See you again next year at the Asia Liberty Forum 2018 in Jakarta, Indonesia.