Dr. Bärbel Kofler Appeals to Drop the Charges Against Zunar

She appeals to review the Sedition Act
Zunar and Dr. Barber Koefler
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung

Unofficial translation from German language by FNF:

The Human Rights Envoy of the Government of the Federal Republic of Germany, Bärbel Kofler, declared (05.09.):

“The Malaysian cartoonist Zulkiflee Anwar `Zunar´ Ulhaque is facing a 43 year-long prison sentence due to the Sedition Act, just because he criticized the sentencing of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim via twitter. Zunar represents many Malaysians who are affected by intimidation and arbitrary arrest up to draconian punishments, because they peacefully exercise their right to Freedom of Expression. 

The Sedition Act, which stems from colonial times, is increasingly used in Malaysia as repressive action against voices, who are critical of the government.

I appeal to the Malaysian Government to drop the charges against Zunar, to respect Freedom of the Press, Freedom of Opinion and Freedom of Speech, and to review the Sedition Act. The law has no place in a modern society.


Zulkiflee Anwar Ulhaque, known under his artist’s name ZUNAR, is the most well-known political cartoonist in Malaysia and a figurehead of the Malaysia´s opposition. Subject of his drawings are political ills in Malaysia, including corruption allegations against Prime Minister Najib, increasing limitations of Freedom of Opinion and increasing repressive legislation. Zunar has been intimidated several times, his works have been confiscated, his studio has been searched and his staff arrested. The books with his cartoons are confiscated in Malaysia. He has been charged with sedition because of his twitter messages regarding the political motivated sentencing of opposition leader Anwar Ibrahim. If found guilty, Zunar faces up to 43 years in prison. The next court hearing is scheduled for September 8th.

Since mid-2014, repressive action against members of the opposition, journalists, human right activist, lawyers and bloggers have increased significantly. In April 2015 the Sedition Act of 1948, which stems from colonial times, was refined and aggravated (e.g. jail terms of up to 20 years, expansion of its scope to internet and social media). In 2015 alone, 91 persons, who voiced criticism of the government, have been affected by police-interrogation and arbitrary arrests on the basis of the Sedition Act.”

Zunar in Panel Discussion in Berlin
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung

Zunar and FNF in Berlin
In June 2016, Zunar visited Berlin at the invitation of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. Malaysia´s most prominent cartoonist met Dr. Bärbel Kofler, Human Rights Envoy of the Government of Germany at the Foreign Ministry. Zunar also joined a panel discussion at the Berlin office of Reporters without Borders, which was moderated by Moritz Kleine-Brockhoff, FNF Project Director Malaysia. Later on, Zunar met german cartoonists. German Broadcaster Deutsche Welle reported on Zunar´s visit to Berlin.

meeting with German Cartoonists
© Friedrich Naumann Stiftung