The Experiences of Muslim Sexuality and Diversity in Malaysia and Britain

© FNF Malaysia
© Sisters in Islam (SIS)

A closed study session with Dr. Shanon Shah on The Experiences of Muslims Sexuality and Their Allies in Malaysia and Britain has been organized by Sisters in Islam (SIS) on 9th October 2017. Dr Shanon Shah is the Senior Deputy Editor of Critical Muslim, the quarterly publication of the London-based Muslim Institute. 

The session has been attended by people from various backgrounds, all who are very interested in this issue. The session includes the sharing of stories and experiences by Dr. Shanon Shah on both sexuality spheres in Malaysia and Britain as well as a few of his subject confessions and opinions. 

The highlight of this session was the regulation of Islam and sexuality in Malaysia and Britain’s context. Dr. Shanon made a comparison between two different legal and political implications in Britain and Malaysia. The session ended with a Q&A session and lived experiences sexuality expression of Islam and the identification of Muslim sexuality allies.