Women's Rights
Female Ulema - Sayyidah Nafisah binti Hasan, the teacher of Imam Shafi'e.

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FNF Malaysia works together with Yati Kaprawi to raising the awareness of gender equality in Malaysia through educational animations, Yati Kaprawi is a talented film maker and animation producer whose works have been known in Malaysia and abroad. She has been working closely with FNF producing important materials relevant to the issues of Muslim women. Currently she has produced 4 animations which highlights the role and significance of their leadership in the Muslim world. There were women figures within the Islamic history itself that played important roles in the Islamic society, it will help to dispel misunderstandings that some Muslims have on women and their roles, especially about women’s role in the public domain and on women leadership.

Here is the first of four videos which shares the story of Sayyidah Nafisah binti Hasan. She was born in Meccato Al-Hasan al-Anwar, the son of Zayd al-Ablaj, son of Al-Hasan the grandson of Prophet Muhammad.Her piety was of such renown that people came from far and near to seek her blessings; hagiographers recount her decision to leave Egypt due to the throngs that came to seek the blessings of Ahl al-Bayt, leaving little time for prayer. The governor of Egypt and the please of the people for her not to leave Egypt convinced her to stay. Numerous accounts are given of the miracles she performed for those who sought her aid directly or through prayer, such as curing a blind child, intervening when the Nile did not rise one year as expected, preventing a ship from sinking, helping a poor woman who spent her life spinning wool to support her family, freeing a prisoner through her intercession and seeing people through their difficulties.

Stay tuned for the next informative animations, as we are going to publish the second video next week!

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