Women's Rights
Female Ulema: The Wife Who Taught Her Husband

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This is our last video that explains the story of the of a wife who taught her husband, she is the daughter of a highly renowned scholar,  Saeed Ibn Al Musayyib. She was an expert in Al-Qur'an, hadith and jurisprudence. She married his father's most trusted studemt Abdullah Ibn Wada'ah and taught him on subjects that he was supposed to be studying with her father. Although her father and her husband's name are recognized, it's unfortunate that the history doesn't record her own name.   

FNF Malaysia works together with Yati Kaprawi to raising the awareness of gender equality in Malaysia through educational animations, Yati Kaprawi is a talented film maker and animation producer whose works have been known in Malaysia and abroad. She has been working closely with FNF producing important materials relevant to the issues of Muslim women. Currently she has produced 4 animations which highlights the role and significance of their leadership in the Muslim world. There were women figures within the Islamic history itself that played important roles in the Islamic society, it will help to dispel misunderstandings that some Muslims have on women and their roles, especially about women’s role in the public domain and on women leadership.