FNF Malaysia Participated in Istanbul Network for Liberty Conference

FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia

On the 27th and 28th of November 2017, FNF Malaysia participated in the Istanbul Network for Liberty 5th International Conference in collaboration with International Institute of Advanced Islamic Studies (IAIS) Malaysia. This conference was focused on “Democratic Transitions in the Muslim World”  with around 130 participants from all over the world such as Malaysia, Singapore, Indonesia, Turkey, United States, Iran, Bosnia and Herzegovina, United Kingdom, Pakistan, Bangladesh, India, and South Africa. A total of 23 papers exploring issues on Islam and democracy was presented by speakers from different countries.

FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia

This conference has provided a platform for Activist and Academia to explore the idea of  Islam and democracy as well as the challenges that Muslim Majority Nations currently face.