Freedom Academy 2017

Sabah, 8-9 April 2017
© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)

The Freedom Academy is aimed for young people, attended by wide ranging target groups from student university, researcher, entrepreneur and academician. “It’s my first time to attend sort of this event, I am expecting a depth knowledge on democracy process, economics and political issue” says a young lady who works as a research assistant in Universiti Malaysia Sabah. 

There have 5 modules which presented by Executive Director of LEAD, Amin Ahmad during Freedom Academy, the modules material encompass state institution, politics, democracy, human rights, state budgeting and custom, economy, and political diplomacy. Most interesting is the way the resource person delivered the material. He made illustration to encourage the participants to be more active and creative. For instance, at the very first session the participants are required to design new country with its details such as name, form of government, ideology, official language and so on. This method must be avoid boredom and create lively ambience during the session. 

© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)

Other than that, this Freedom Academy is more fun due to SIM Democracy games session. The participants learnt how to play role as politician as well as government through board game. This game examines their skills on negotiation, campaign and state budgeting. Positive feedback are given by them after the game session.

© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)

After all, the participants are expected to gain new value on how the citizen can participate in the country, have understanding of current political and economic situation in Malaysia, and they are trained to be problem solver.

© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)