Freedom Summit 2016

08 October 2016- Shah's Village Hotel, Kuala Lumpur
Freedom Summit 2016
© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)

Shah’s village Hotel was set for Freedom Summit 2016, organized by Institute for Leadership and Development Studies or also known as LEAD. They managed to gather the mass and media to expose this second year of Freedom Summit.  There were 12 panelists on stage who discussed current situation in Malaysia in regards with Freedom; Freedom of Politics, Freedom of Education, Freedom of Faith, and Freedom of Economy. 
Tun Dr. Mahathir Mohamad, former Prime Minister of Malaysia reviewed again 2020 insight and discuss whether we can achieve an intended liberal society.

"Today´s Malaysia is not liberal enough. There is not enough freedom", Dr. Mahathir said. He urged all opposition parties to put aside differences and to unite in order to win the next election and take over the government. Dr. Mahathir also cited Brazil as an example of a country where "one million people took to the streets and protested against government corruption (...) leading to the corruption investigation, charges and the subsequent removal of Brazil´s president from office."

On that occasion, Tun Dr. Mahathir was also responding to a question from the audience on what actions the public could take ahead of Anwar’s sodomy review application. 
“Everyone should be equal before the law. What if tomorrow we have someone who faces the same situation, (but) who does not enjoy public support like Anwar?” Dr. Mahathir said during the Malaysian Freedom Summit here today.

Freedom Summit 2016
© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)
Freedom Summit 2016
© Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD)