#FreedomFightsFake Gallery

#FreedomFightsFake Gallery

The pandemic has forced us to #stayhome #dudukrumah to prevent it to spreading even wider. The covid-19 who just born this year has many flaws. How this virus is spread? how to avoid? what to do? What types of masks are safe? and many more questions to come. As a result, a lot of incorrect information is circulating, starting from sunbathing to eliminate Covid-19, which WHO denies and many others that follows.

During stay at home, people do a lot of creative activities so they don't feel bored and then upload on the Internet, starting from playing music with neighbours, imitating certain paintings, and a lot of creativity that they think they could do at home.

Drawing is also a way not only to spend time at home but also to express what we feel, experience, and see.

FNF Malaysia collaborated with Zunar – a well-known cartoonist in Malaysia to create a drawing about disinformation.

Friedrich Naumann Foundation launched our #FreedomFightsFake campaign on July this year to allude disinformation. The campaign #FreedomFightsFake empowers citizens around the globe to think critically and “pre-bunk” disinformation! How can we detect which claims are (deliberately) false? In what ways can we counter the global phenomenon of disinformation? What is the state of media freedom around the world and how can we strengthen it?

Enjoy our Disinformation Gallery

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