IAF Malaysia
IAF Seminar : "Promoting Enterpreneurship and Open Market"

Gummersbach, 12-24 August 2018
© IAF Alumni Malaysia 

I would like to thank the Friedrich Naumann Foundation (FNF) and the International Academy for Leadership (IAF) for providing me with an amazing opportunity to attend the seminar on Promoting Entrepreneurship and Open Markets. This rigorous 12-day workshop in Gummersbach discussed contemporary issues in how to effectively create a business-friendly market environment that can foster healthy economic growth. We engaged in debates and plenary discussions, listened to lectures, visited start-up incubator centers, visited the Chamber of Commerce in Hamburg and enjoyed dinner with a German parliamentarian. The structure of the program made sure that there was never a dull moment in the day. A special thanks to the two excellent facilitators of the seminar as well, who cultivated the highest quality of discussions and who truly made sure that everyone had an equal opportunity to participate.

FNF really did an excellent job in choosing the participants of the IAF seminar. The 25 attendees of the seminar were all professionals who were doing amazing things in their countries. The diversity was well apparent through the 23 countries that were being represented by entrepreneurs, politicians, academics of universities and think tanks, investors, trade leaders, central bankers, activists, and many more qualifications that I can’t fully list in such a short article. One of the most valuable things that I received from the seminar was the connection and network created with the amazing like-minded individuals who attended the IAF Academy. It has been an absolute honour to be able to listen to the respective country experiences from the all of the participants and to share moments with such intelligent, passionate and humorous people. I want to thank FNF and IAF again for bestowing upon me such a meaningful and enlightening experience that I can incorporate into future endeavors.