IAF Malaysia
IAF Seminar on Strategic Planning for Political Parties by Ong Chin Wen

FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia

Thanks to FNF for giving me the opportunity to further my knowledge in strategic planning. It was my first experience with the seminar organised by the IAF in its academy in Gummersbach, Germany. Although the subject matter of the seminar, ie. Strategic Planning for Political Parties is quite complicated and challenging in nature, I managed to absorb most the content of the seminar. It was due to the well organised module of the seminar. Not to forget also, the two facilitators of the seminar were excellent in facilitating the methodology of strategic planning throughout the seminar.

FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia
© FNF Malaysia

I also had great time through out the seminar, got to know participants from various country with different background. Although some of us can’t converse using the same language, all the participants still manage to get together. Of course, the interpreters had done an excellent job. Malaysia just had it general election concluded in early May. This seminar was just in time for me. The method of strategic planning is a great tool for Keadilan (Parti Keadilan Rakyat) to plan and achieve the next goal. I would like to thank the FNF and IAF for your kindness in sharing the knowledge in strategic planning with us.