The Launch of GIAT's- Good Governance Agenda for Malaysia

 on 19th of July in Kuala Lumpur
© Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

The Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS), one of our longstanding partner conducts roundtable on the Launch of GIAT's (Governance Integrity Accountability Transparency) Good Governance Agenda for Malaysia. The event takes place in Royal Lake Club, Kuala Lumpur. 
Some Issues which were being discussed are as follows:

  • Independent institutions: Proposals to reform the MACC, Attorney General office, and legislations which are related to the institutions.
  • Access to information: As of today, Malaysia does not have a law on freedom of information. Equally important is also to provide open data and transparency of information to issues which should be transparent to the public by default.
  • Declaration of assets: there should be a written legal framework on asset declaration and to make it mandatory for Ministers, MPs, and elected officials which are accessible to the public.
  • Other issues which were raised: Budget transparency, monetization of the political system.  

The discussion was opened by Tricia Yeoh, Chief Operating Officer IDEAS and moderated by Chew Phye Keat from Transparency International-Malaysia.