Live Freedom, Sing Freedom

Living Freedom

Song Theme: “Living Freedom”

Live Freedom, Sing Freedom

Submit your song entry!

Nothing can drown out your voice. Express your freedom through a song!

We’re inviting music artists from Malaysia to join our songwriting contest. Top Song (Country level) will get to participate in the Southeast Asia regional level with a chance to go to Germany!

Your original music and lyrics will be a reflection of your aspirations for yourself and your community, an ensemble of possibilities for a bright future anchored on greater freedoms.

Live Freedom, Sing Freedom

Southeast Asia has a continuing story in its quest for real freedom. From fighting for independence from colonizers and toppling dictators to claiming civic space and demanding truthful information, the region and its people are unrelenting. The coronavirus outbreak has also brought to surface many challenges, including the balancing of freedoms and containment strategies. It is in difficult situations when the essence of freedom becomes palpable, and the commitment to safeguard it is reinforced.

These are true in the political, economic, social spheres. In one’s personal life, how do you experience and stand up for freedom? When you share a thought on social media, or when you articulate a dissent – these are about freedom of expression and opinion, and we want you to tell it in a song.

Living Freedom songwriting contest spotlights the importance of people’s participation in governance, and also finds meaning in freedom in everyday life. It’s a stage to convey hopes and a call to action, that in spite any crises “freedom is what lies on the other side of fear,” and we all have a responsibility to shape our own future. It’s about striking a chord and generating emotions of positivity, to restart and embrace new opportunities and become the best of ourselves. The contest creates harmony, a common tune to always defend freedom.

The contest is organized by the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF), a German Foundation that promotes democracy, with offices in Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and 50 other countries worldwide.

Learn, Be Recognized, and Gain Friends!

FNF offices in Malaysia, Myanmar, Philippines, Thailand, and Indonesia will hold separate online contests to cater to their local audience. Top song (country level) will emerge from the national rounds, each receiving Contribution for Production Cost. They will move on to the regional level where they will also perform for the regional title.

The regional top song will undergo an online masterclass to help them enhance their music composition. Together, they will also produce a song that will reflect the region’s solidarity efforts and commitment to freedom.

In November 2020, should COVID-19 situations permit, the TOP SONG performers from the country level will fly to Manila, Philippines for the finals where they will perform their individual and group compositions before a live audience. The regional Top Song performer will be announce on this event, who will get the chance to go to Germany.


  1. 29 May – Launch and Entry Submissions
  2. 27 July – Final closing of submission of entries
  3. 05 August – Announcement of 3 Top Song
  4. 10 August – Introduction Session FNF Malaysia and Judges: Who We Are & What’s Next In Line?
  5. 28 August (Fri) – Malaysia online performance
  6. Sep/Oct – Regional mentoring (individual and group)
  7. November – Regional live performance

Application Form

Live Freedom, Sing Freedom

General requirements:

  1. Male/Female
  2. Age (20-45 years old)
  3. Malaysian citizens
  4. Identity Card No.
  5. Reside in Malaysia

Application via Google Form:

  • Full name
  • Age (20-45 years old)
  • Residence (name of state)
  • Identity Card No.
  • Mobile No.
  • Social Media (Facebook and Instagram)
  • Music style/genre
  • Favorite artist and why?
  • Music skills and instrument
  • Experience
  • Why are you interested to join?
  • What is your inspiration and key message of freedom that would be in your song?”
  • Send file links (past products, if any)
  • Send your “Living Freedom” song (MP4 format) AND lyrics (song duration: max. 4 minutes) via link (WeTransfer,etc)


Contribution For The Production Cost1. Euro 500 Contribution for the production cost for the top songs in the country level.2. One Top Song (Country Level) will fly to Manila, Philippines for the artist to perform the song live.3. Trip to Germany – Regional level Top Song

Live Freedom, Sing Freedom


Top Song performers do not have to surrender their copyright to the song.
FNF will be granted full permission to use the song for other purposes in the future, including, but not limited to:

  • A compilation album of all the Top Songs to the contest
  • As a soundtrack for videos or other multimedia production
  • As background music during FNF events

Benefit for Country Level Top Songs

  1. Contribution for the Production Cost for Top Songs.
  2. The Top Song performer will move on to the regional level where they will also perform for the regional title. He/she will collaborate with Top Song performers from other countries (Regional Top Song) to compose a regional song under the theme of “Living Freedom”.
  3. The regional top song will undergo an online masterclass to help them enhance their music composition. Together, they will also produce a song that will reflect the region’s solidarity efforts and commitment to freedom.
  4. In November 2020, should COVID-19 situations permit, the regional top song  will fly to Manila, Philippines for the finals where they will perform their individual and group compositions before a live audience.
  5. The regional Top Song performer will be announce during this event and will get the chance to go to Germany.


*Only one person could represent Malaysia on Regional Level
*If you a song writer and pointed someone to sing your song, Only the singer who could fly to Philippines and to participate on the Regional contest to perform with Southeast Asia Countries (Thailand, Philippines, Myanmar and Indonesia) who also running the same contest on their country.

Note: If you have any queries, Do not hesitate to contact Ms.Nesya Tirtayana through e-mail

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