Malaysia Freedom Summit 2017 by LEAD

FNF Malaysia

Institute for Leadership and Development Studies (LEAD) conducted Malaysia Freedom Summit 2017 (MFS) on 9 am - 6 pm, Saturday, 18 November 2017 at Crystal Crown Hotel, Petaling Jaya.  MFS is an annual event serve as a platform to discuss and debate various issues concerning liberty and justice in Malaysia.

FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia

The event was began with panel discussion on The State Of Freedom In Malaysia, the Panelist are YB Charles Santiago, Member of Parliament, Klang, Dr Khoo Ying Hooi, University of Malaya (UM), Datuk Dr Farouk Musa, Islamic Renaissance Front (IRF) and Datuk Dr Ooi Kee Beng, Penang Institute. Followed by Keynote Address by Tan Sri Dato' Sheriff Kassim, Former Secretary General of Treasury Malaysia and Founding Member of G25 affirming Freedom as a Core Value of Development.

FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia

The event was closed with breakout session with topic of Academicians and Public Discourse. Religion in Public and Private Sphere Election and the Check and Balance Liberalization and The Challenge of Growth, participated by around 40 academicians, politicians, economists and freedom activists.

FNF Malaysia
FNF Malaysia