Mastering the Skills of Political Communication

11-13 August 2017 - Shah Alam, Selangor

The Election Academy of the People’s Justice Party (JPRP) has successfully conducted its 3rd batch of the Political Communications Training. The training was held at the premises of the Institut Darul Ehsan (IDE) in Shah Alam, Selangor on 11-13 August 2017, with participants (party members) coming from different states.

Political Communications Training, 11-13 August 2017
© Jawatankuasa Pilihan Raya Pusat (JPRP)

Understanding political communication is something that one must possess as a politician or as party cadres in order to convey the right message to the right crowd in the right time. The People’s Justice Party (PKR) acknowledges the importance of their members to master this skill especially towards the 14th General Election. Both party leaders and members should understand and synchronize the message that the Party is concerned about. They should also understand the right language and tone when they convey it to the general public.

One other important aspect is the willingness to listen to the public’s concerns. This can help the Party and its members to gain more acceptances from the public, especially their voters.

Political Communications Training, 11-13 August 2017
© Jawatankuasa Pilihan Raya Pusat (JPRP)

This training allows participants to have an informal discussion with party leaders about their experiences in the ground. They see it as a rare and good opportunity to get first-hand knowledge on how to communicate with the public. The Party hopes that the information and knowledge given in this training can be useful for the participants to practice in their constituencies and even replicate the same training back home.