Public Forum on the Attorney General Reform by IDEAS

© FNF Malaysia
© Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS) conducted Public Forum on the Attorney General (AG) Reform in Sabah on 17th October 2017, it was attended by the Vice President of the Party Warisan Sabah (Darrell Leiking), the former State Secretary (Tan Sri Simon Sipaun) as well as Sabah Law Society. The purpose of the roundtable discussion is to address increasing public concerns and negative perceptions over the impartiality and independence of the AG’s Chambers.

© FNF Malaysia
© Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

At that event, IDEAS’ chief executive Wan Saiful Wan Jan affirmed that the AG should remain as a legal advisor to the government and the position should be held by someone fully trusted by the Prime Minister to provide the best legal advice that was necessary. However, Wan Saiful said that the role of public prosecutor had always been questioned as members of the public and opposition parties constantly criticized the AG on the prosecution decisions he has made.

© FNF Malaysia
© Institute for Democracy and Economic Affairs (IDEAS)

Since this project began, Wan Saiful said Ideas had been travelling from state to state, including Johor, Sarawak, Pahang, Perak and Penang to hold small discussions to advocate, generate awareness and conversation about this cause.