Screening Session: Diary For Prasana by SIS

FNF Malaysia
© Sisters In Islam 

Sisters in Islam has organized a screening session on the 20th November 2017 featuring “Diary for Prasana” a documentary film directed by Norhayati Kaprawi. The film offers the audience a glimpse of the life of Indira Gandhi, a Hindu mother who has been separated from her youngest daughter, Prasana, for the last 8 years.

FNF Malaysia
© Sisters In Islam

The husband who converted to Islam took away her daughter, Prasana, when she was 11 months old. The Syariah court gave him custody of their children and also approved for their conversion into Islam, all without Indira’s knowledge. A commentary session was held after the screening which includes Indira Gandhi herself, Norhayati Kaprawi (Director and Muslim women’s rights activist), YB M. Kulasegaran (Indira Gandhi’s counsel and a Member of Parliament, Ipoh Barat) and Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim (Film producer for “Diary for Prasana”). The session was moderated by Shareena Sheriff from SIS. YB M Kulasegaran suggested that there is a better policy in making such person like Indira’s husband to be held accountable for his actions.

FNF Malaysia
© Sisters In Islam 

The session ends with an affirmation from Dato’ Zaid Ibrahim that all religions teach tolerance, justice and harmony. The problem lies within the system that allow politicians to administer religious matter, which is in line with the struggle faced by organizations like SIS.