SIS' Training of Trainers Highlights "Keadilan Wanita dan Wacana Islam"

Kuala Lumpur, 1-5 October 2018
© Sisters In Islam 

A 5-day Training of Trainers (TOT) has been organized by Sisters in Islam on the 1st until 5th of October 2018 in Kuala Lumpur, specifically designed to build a team of trainers to be more well-versed on the issues of gender and its intersections with Islam and how can gender-sensitive tools and methodologies can be used effectively in conversation with various audiences and communities.

The whole training highlighted the adult-learning method, focusing on the theme of acquisition and reinforcement; where all participants had the combination of content learning, observing and conducting a practicum session. 

The participants were exposed to two types of learning method; Andragogy and Pedagogy. This process is really crucial in order for the participants to differentiate and understand the impact of learning methods and whether it corresponds with their content and targeted audience. The participants were then divided into 4 groups. Each of the group was expected to plan and conduct three sessions per day with the rest of the participants as the audience. Numerous interactive activities have been carried out throughout the training in relation to the concept of Gender and how it is intertwined with the concept of human rights and religion.

© Sisters In Islam 

It is hoped that the Training of Trainers (TOT) can serve as a platform to create a pool of trainers that is equipped with gender and equality lenses, especially in handling related issues within the Islamic framework and context and that the same set of participants will further excel in implementing methods of gender-sensitive, adult-learning skills in future programme and events in their community.