Strategic & Effective Leadership Training

Kuala Lumpur, 12-13 August 2017

On 12-13 August 2017, Akademi Keadilan (ARK) conducted a module run through to develop and test a new module entitled, 'Strategic & Effective Leadership'. It was conducted at Quality Hotel in Kuala Lumpur. This workshop was attended by 20 people. 

This new module covers areas such as strategic thinking, critical thinking, decision-making skills and systemic thinking. It will also be able to enhance and upgrade the leadership skills of its participants. 

We were especially fortunate to have key leaders from Parti Keadilan Rakyat join us; YB Sim Tze Tzin (Strategic Director) and Fahmi Fadzil (Communications Director), and from the Party's Central Leadership Committee (MPP) we had YB Senator Siti Aishah Shaik Ismail and YB Fuziah Salleh (also the Founder of Akademi Keadilan). 

Thank you to everyone who participated in the discussions and for the invaluable input in shaping this new module.