Woman Leadership and Value Based Politics

Perak, 8-10 March 2019
Woman Leadership and VBP

ARK conducted a workshop from 8-10 March 2019, entitled ''Women Leadership and Value Based Politics''. The 40 participants registered and gathered on Friday night for dinner at D'Hotel in Bandar Sri Iskandar, Perak. During the dinner, Raiyana Abdul gave a welcoming address and explained ARK's history, vision and core modules. This was followed by a speech by the Honorable Fuziah Salleh, founder of ARK, entitled ''Encouraging Women Leadership and Involvement in Politics''.

On Saturday morning, we continued the workshop with an Icebreaking session and Learning Contract, led by Aisah Lamsah. The Honorable YB Rodziah Ismail then conducted a session on leadership in regards to NGO-related work and also political activism. Her session was entitled, "Women Leadership, Volunteerism and Involvement in Community". 

After the lunch break, Dr.Rahim Ghoue conducted his session entitled, "Leadership in Strategic Thinking" and provided guidance and tools which the participants could apply in their daily activism. In the evening, and at night, Dr Zaliha Mustafa and Raiyan Abdul focused on Value-Based Politics and included group work and games to ensure the content and principles would be truly understood. 

On Sunday, YB Manivannan Gowin (Deputy Information Chief of PKR) presented as a guest speaker. His session was entitled, "Leadership in Struggles". The event was concluded with Dr Zaliha and Raiyan Abdul presenting certificates to the participants.