FNF Jordan hosts Pizza and Politics Session

Pizza and Politics

Last night, FNF Middle East and North Africa hosted an engaging Pizza and Politics session on “Freedoms in Jordan” with Shabab42, a group of liberal-minded, politically active Jordanian youth. With special focus on current affairs and women’s rights, the Shabab met at FNF’s Freedom Factory to discuss their views on current topics in Jordan. 

Following a brief introduction and role-playing exercise, the Shabab discussed local politics in a constructive environment that encourages all participants to share their views. Recently launched their manifesto and website, Shabab42 has been a growing youth organization in Jordan that has been attracting more and more members.

Likewise, the Shabab have also garnered significant local and international attention, even being featured on BBC’s Arabic Radio following their policy recommendation publication on how Jordan’s income tax bill could be improved. We look forward to their next session, being held next month.