Shabab42 Members Share with BBC News Arabic their Achievements and Dreams

Jordanian Youth Group Shabab42

Jordanian Youth Group Shabab42


The FNF Amman-supported Jordanian youth group 'Shabab42' has been featured on BBC News Arabic radio channel last Wednesday to discuss and explain the idea behind their group, their aims, acheivements and dreams. Representing the Shabab42 group, Abdallah Abdoh, junior project coordinator at FNF Amman and Marina Nicola, member of Shabab42 group were interviewed and have illustrated their roles in the group and their ideas for the future of their group.

First, let's start with talking a bit about Shabab42; they are a group of liberal active Jordanian youth who are interested in the political and economic reform process that is taking place in Jordan. The growing group of young Jordanians aims to effectively participating in the reform process through pointing out the different problems that face their society and brainstorming together to find solutions they need. In addition, #Shabab42 aims to be a free-thought platform for young Jordanians to discuss and express their ideas and opinion in a safe enviroment that embraces diversity and tolerance. The group was officially kicked-off in April 2017.

Watch this video (in Arabic) to know more about them:

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The group has received considerable local attention from media and goverment, especially when they drafted their recommendations to improve the drafted income tax bill in Jordan. This year, they even received a regional media attention by BBC Arabic, where they explained and encouraged young people in the Arab region to take the initiative and to have an active role in changing their communities.

Listen to the interview (in Arabic):

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At this point you will find an external content that complements the content. You can display it with one click.

During the past two years the group had discussed and announced their positions on different issues including the sharing economy in Jordan, civil state and political reform, educational outcomes and labour market, Jordanian income tax bill and elections law. Moreover, they had worked on exchange their thoughts about the Syrian crisis and its effect on Jordan with young politicions from the Dutch party VVD in 2018.

Using social media, the group has established their own page to act as an advocacy platform to demonstrate their ideas and solution. This year as the group is growing and attracting more youth, they are working on organizing their endeavours to establish their own independent entity and announce Shabab42 as a non-governmental organization.

If you like the work of those ambitious youth, follow them on Facebook @shbab42