Pride Month Special Panelist Discussions



In Myanmar, LGBTQI+ individuals face severe discrimination, including insults from teachers, ostracism from their families, and public ridicule. The ongoing civil war has exacerbated these challenges, further reducing the number of safe spaces available. For the past three years, the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom Myanmar (FNF) has been dedicated to supporting the LGBTQI+ community through the 'Open Mic' program. This initiative provides a vital platform for LGBTQI+ individuals and allies to share their experiences and receive much-needed psychological support.

Join us on for a Panllist Discussion on: 

June 28th at 3 PM BKK time via Zoom for our Pride Month event.

(The zoom link will be sent to you via email 2 days before the event)

We are thrilled to introduce our speakers:

  • Kyaw Sit Naing -  social work education and profession in Myanmar
  • Poppy Lin - Drag Queen Performer and activist 
  • Grande - Queer Activist and public speaker

Hear their powerful stories of resilience and perseverance. Celebrate Pride Month with us and honor the strength and courage of the LGBTQI+ community. Don't miss this opportunity to connect, learn, and show your support.


Since the military coup in February 2021, Myanmar has faced deep turmoil. The civil war between the junta and numerous resistance groups has intensified, resulting in the displacement of over 2.6 million people, according to the United Nations. Many regions lack necessities, and the psychological toll on the population is immense. Marginalised groups, particularly the LGBTQI* community, face heightened risks and diminishing safe spaces.

Sign up here. 

Meet Our Speakers

Kyaw Sit Naing is the founder of Yangon School of Social Work (YSSW), Kyaw Sit Naing is a social work educator, promoting the social work education and profession in Myanmar as well. He earned two Bachelor Degrees in Political Science and Social Work from University of Wisconsin-Madison as well as a Master Degree in Social Work from Columbia University. In addition, he spent his time from 2017 to 2019 to study at the Faculty of Social Administration of Thammasat University. From 2017 onwards, he has been serving as the committee member of Social Work Promotion Bill and actively engaging in creation and amendment of social work policies. Regarding contributing towards the social works, he used to be a co-author in the book "Buddhism and Social Work in Cambodia and Myanmar", which was edited by the admirable authors including Josef Gohori and Kana Matsuo. 


Kyaw Sit Naing
Kyaw Sit Naing

Poppy Lin is a well-known as a Drag Queen Performer in Myanmar, Poppy Lin is an activist in LGBT+ Community. She earned a Bachelor Degree in International Relations as well as a Diploma Degree in English. Taking the position of a drag queen in the community, she loves to express the importance of speaking out and standing out for those who are to be respected in this world as equally as everyone else is. With open heart, she welcomes the opportunities of sharing the experience of finding who one becomes as one’s heart desires.

Poppy Lin
Poppy Lin

Grande is always dreaming to become a Queer Activist and Public Figures, Grande makes public appearances, finds interest in Public Speaking, Modelling and Coaching. Grande earned a Diploma Degree in English Language Communication from Mandalay University of Foreign Language and is currently working as an ESL teacher and HR member in an online language school, PACE Forward. In addition, Grande expresses interest in pageantry and has experience as a Freelance Pageant Coach. As part of community works, Grande is volunteering, at the moment, in some of Myanmar’s social leading organizations like Yangon School of Social Work and U-Report Myanmar (Mandalay Division 2024). Grande always tries to be optimistic in every situation and sharing all the positives for the people around them is one of Grande’s greatest intentions all along.


Join us as they share their powerful stories of resilience and perseverance. Celebrate Pride Month with us and honor the strength of the LGBTQI+ community.

Sign up here. 
