
Nikita Singla

Short vita

Nikita Singla is an International Trade, Logistics, and Inclusion Specialist, with 12 years of experience in South Asia. She has experience of working
across more than 40 ports across the South Asia region. She has advised the Governments of India, Bangladesh, Nepal, and Sri Lanka in
varying capacities on trade, logistics and inclusion-related issues. She is a Consultant to the World Bank's Trade, Transport and
Regional Integration practices. She was formerly Associate Director at New Delhi-based Bureau of Research on Industry and Economic
Fundamentals, where she led the Time Release Studies, an annual assessment of trade facilitation across ports in India, in compliance
with the World Trade Organization's Trade Facilitation Agreement. She has also led a similar study across land ports in Bangladesh.
She has authored the recently published policy paper, titled "Women’s Inclusion in India’s Trade Ecosystem", supported by the U.S. Embassy
in India and The Asia Foundation. She is a part of the Advisory Council of TalentNomics India, a non-profit organization working towards
creating a gender-equitable South Asia.