Bulgaria: 90 Recommendations for Economic Growth

Recently, Bulgaria has experienced another turbulent episode, both politically and economically: Within just one and a half years, the country has seen two governments, two caretaker governments, and two general elections, over one year of constant protests, an ongoing baking crisis, and a still troubling economic and institutional trend. Without a true political will for reforms one can expect the situation to deteriorate before getting better.

For the sixth consecutive year the Institute for Market Economics, in partnership with the Foundation for Freedom, has collected the most prominent international development indices and presented them in a single volume called "Bulgaria in international rankings", in order to analyse and compare the country's economic and political performance with those of the best performing countries worldwide, as well as the EU member states and the countries in the Balkan region.

Based on this and looking at best practices worldwide, this study presents 90 recommendations to enable growth in the economy, restore confidence in public institutions, and create an overall environment that stimulates innovation. 

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"Applying these recommendations requires courage on behalf of the government, despite the fact that the Bulgarian citizens are waiting for change. The large number of Bulgarians leaving the country, the stagnating growth of GDP, the lack of innovation, and the declining FDI, are just some of the indicators showing reforms are overdue", said FNF Project Director for Southeast Europe, Daniel Kaddik, at the press conference presenting the new study.