Freedom Flashmob

By Freedom Team of FNF East and Southeast Europe
Freedom Flashmob

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Freedom Flashmob by Freedom Team of FNF East and Southeast Europe

Meet our Freedom Team of Friedrich Naumann Foundation in East and Southeast Europe! Greetings from the Freedom Flashmob from our Regional Capacity Development in Yerevan, Armenia. The flashmob took place at the symbolic Freedom Square in the center of Yerevan.

The regional of FNF East and Southeast Europe gathered around 45 colleagues from 8 offices in the region; colleagues beyond the region from Germany, Brussels, Prague; and special guests from ALDE, ILFRY, Initiative Romania for a week-long capacity building in Yerevan. The training was moderated by Marike Groenewald. 

Welcome to our new corporate design! New logo, same values!

Enjoy the Freedom Flashmob