Freedom Team Interview: Jana Conrad in Focus

Freedom Team Interview
Jana Conrad

In our next Freedom Team interview, you get to know our former intern, Jana Conrad from Germany. 

Please share a few words about yourself?

My name is Jana Conrad and I am from Germany. I am studying Governance and Public Policy (Bachelor of Arts) with the major in politics (Comparative Government) in Passau. Apart from my studies, I am working as a tutor for Latin and German, I am deputy chairperson for public relations of the JuLis (Junge Liberale) in Passau and member of the liberal group at my university.

What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF?

Before I started working for the FNF Regional Office East and Southeast Europe and the Project Office Sofia at the end of September, I have helped to organize a few events for my liberal university group with the help of FNF in Passau and also visited workshops organized by the foundation in Germany. There I had the chance to experience the good work of the FNF for the first time. My first impression from the office in Sofia would be that you can feel the liberal and open atmosphere. Everyone gets the chance to participate and pitch their ideas, for example, for possible events or articles.

What is the most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF?

For me, it is very interesting to help out with the website and social media performances of the Regional Office East and Southeast Europe. Particularly the marketing of the Europeans Women Academy in East Europe for Political Leadership and Campaigning was very inspiring because it showed how to empower female politicians in a liberal way, how to overcome widespread prejudice and why we need more women in politics. Apart from that, I had the chance to experience and help out by the international Security Hackathon in North Macedonia.

Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and pursuit of Freedom?

I am highly enthusiastic and motivated to support the promotion of liberal values. Based on my background in politics and my studies, I hope to motivate more women to join politics and to participate, because female participation enriches every debate and I think we need more of that. In addition to that I also hope to contribute to get more people excited about liberal values and the pursuit of freedom.

Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you?

It is very important to keep in mind that Freedom cannot be taken for granted, for example, the freedom of expression is an important human right which is essential for a society to be democratic. It enables the free exchange of ideas, information and opinions and allows the members of a society to participate openly in political processes. Furthermore, it is very important to keep democratic values alive so that no one has to suffer from an oppressive, authoritarian regime. That is why it is so important to promote freedom because only with the freedom we are free to be ourselves and make our own decisions.

What does the “F” of FNF mean to you?

First of all, the “F” of FNF means Freedom to me.

Freedom stands for progress, human rights and to do, to think, to speak, to believe, to act as you choose, but only until your choices start to infringe on another person’s freedom.

In particular, Freedom also means to me an equal opportunity for men and women, especially in politics.

What is your Freedom quote?

“We are free to change the world and to introduce novelty. Without this mental freedom to recognize or deny its existence. There would be no possibility of action.”  - Hannah Arendt

Jana Conrad