FreedomTeam Interview: Daniela Tzareva In Focus

Daniela Tzareva In Focus

Meet our Freedom Team colleague from Sofia, Mrs Daniela Tzareva, who since November 2015 works as an Internal Auditor in the Regional Office of FNF East and Southeast Europe. Welcome in the Freedom Team!

1.Please share a few words about yourself? 

I’m Daniela and I’ve been working for the Foundation since November 2015 as an Internal Auditor in the Regional Office of FNF East and Southeast Europe. I graduated in politics and economics in Germany and I’m really pleased to work for FNF. 

2.What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF? 

When I started I was a bit nervous because I didn’t have much experience in controlling. However, I was really warmly welcomed. I felt support not only from my colleagues but also from my superiors, which is of great importance. 


Daniela Tzareva In Focus

3. What is most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF? 

It is inspiring to learn every day something new. A bit later you realize that actually you haven’t learned anything. Then a saying of Socrates comes to mind – “I know that I know nothing”. Exactly this fact makes me even more motivated to improve myself and to do my best for the Foundation. Last but not least, this job also allows me to meet many different people and to get acquainted with other cultures, which I find very interesting. 

4. Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and pursuit of Freedom?

By expressing one’s opinion without hesitation, by staying positive, tolerant and cooperative as well. 

5. Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you? 

It is said that no society can exist and develop itself without freedom. Freedom is the cornerstone for a better world. As Don Quixote said: “Freedom, Sancho, is one of the most precious gifts that heaven has ever given to man”. 

Daniela Tzareva In Focus

6. What does the “F” of FNF mean to you? 

F: Fairness: equal access to goods, in German “Gerechtigkeit”. 
F: Future: hopefully for a future in a free world. 
F: Freedom: one of the most important values for the development of society. 

7. What is your Freedom message?

As Pericles put it: “The secret to happiness is freedom. The secret of freedom is courage”. 

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here:

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