FreedomTeam Interview: Julia Scharmann In Focus

Julia Scharmann In Focus

Meet the latest member of the Freedom Team in FNF ESEE. Ms Julia Scharmann has worked since November 2015 in the Potsdam Head office in Germany as a Desk officer for East and Southeast Europe. 

1. Please share a few words about yourself? 

I studied European and International Studies in Magdeburg and Leipzig (Germany) as well as in Prague (Czech Republic) and Roskilde (Denmark). I very much appreciated the international nature of my programme, which allowed me to meet wonderful people from all over the world. Over the course of my studies, I put my focus on Eastern Europe and its integration process into the European Union. Furthermore, I participated in in various projects dealing with topics of international relations and globalization – e.g., Model United Nations simulations. 

In 2012, I was accepted to an internship for the FDP-faction in the German Bundestag, which gave me the opportunity to get a first-hand impression of liberal politics. This experience has encouraged me to further promote the values of freedom, democracy, the rule of law and human rights. Hence, I am very glad that I was given the opportunity to start working for the Foundation in my personal field of interest and expertise. 

2. What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF? 

Since mid-November 2015 I have been part of the Foundation’s head office-team in Potsdam/Germany, where I work as the desk officer for East and Southeast Europe. So far, my first impressions have been very positive. I really enjoy the variety of tasks that this position entails. My colleagues in Potsdam and around the world have been extremely helpful since the very beginning, which makes it easy to settle in. Now I am looking forward to the upcoming year and all the challenges it brings. 

3. What is most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF? 

The most interesting and, at the same time, most challenging part of my new position is to keep up with the steady developments in all the respective countries belonging to the region. Sometimes this region’s great diversity of countries and cultures makes it rather challenging to maintain an overview. At the same time, however, every day you learn something new, which stimulates your mind and broadens your horizon. Fortunately, we have so many experts all over the world that can provide help with regard to their respective country or region. Consequently, one of our main tasks in Potsdam is to coordinate and communicate between the local offices and the head office. 

4. Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and pursuit of Freedom? 

I think that my personal and academic background offers a great set of tools in order to fulfil the tasks of my position. I already had a good knowledge of the region, and now I am eager to gain more experience and am passionate about further promoting liberal values. However, I am convinced that the internal structure and the good mix between experienced professionals and fresh minds represent the core strength of the Foundation. Hence, being part of the Foundation and its team is the best contribution one can make in the pursuit of freedom. 


Julia Scharmann In Focus

5. Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you? 

Freedom creates space. Freedom creates creativity. Freedom creates dignity. Freedom creates responsible human beings. Freedom creates respect. Freedom creates prosperity. Freedom creates tolerance. Freedom creates authenticity. I guess those are enough reasons why the promotion of freedom is important to me and should be for everyone. 

6. What is your Freedom message?

I really like a statement made by Bob Dylan: “A hero is someone who understands the responsibility that comes with his freedom.” In my view, this message is of utter importance since so many people tend to associate freedom with irresponsibility towards themselves and their respective society.

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here:

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