FreedomTeam Interview: Oleg Friesen In Focus

Oleg Friesen In Focus

Meet Oleg Friesen, who has just started an internship in the FNF South Caucasus Project Office. This is the second FNF internship of Oleg. Find out more about his dedication to freedom. 

1. Please share a few words about yourself? 

I´m a student in the Eastern European Studies Master programme of LMU Munich. The EES programme covers political science, culture, economy and especially the history of the countries of Eastern Europe. I´ve chosen Ukraine, Romania and the Republic of Moldova as my focus, but my field of interest embraces the whole post-Soviet space. Before moving to Munich I studied at FU Berlin and UFR Tours, where my original metier was as a historian. I had already been an intern at FNF; right after the ‘Revolution of Dignity’ in February 2014, I spent 6 months at the FNF office in Kiev. Beside German I also speak Ukrainian, Russian, French, and English; right now I´m learning Romanian.

2. What have been your first impressions so far from your position in FNF? 

I was already familiar with FNF because of my internship in Kiev. This made integration very easy from the first day and I´m very happy to be part of a great team. 0

3. What is most interesting and challenging about your new position in FNF? 

Georgia is widely considered as the most advanced post-Soviet country besides the Baltic states. I came to see, how (and if) reforms and civil society are working in Georgia. Special research for FNF and interesting events are giving me the opportunity to be really “inside” what´s happening in Georgia. 

4. Given your background so far, what and how would you contribute to the mission of FNF and the pursuit of Freedom? 

My contribution is my deep interest and my strong motivation. FNF is the main partner for civil society. A strong civil society is the guarantee for an open and democratic political system. 

5. Why is the promotion of Freedom important to you? 

I was born in Latvia at a time when the people there were struggling for their independence from the Soviet Union. I´m very thankful for belonging to the first generation who didn´t have to experience the horrors of a communist dictatorship - but my family did. The promotion of Freedom in post-Soviet countries is a very deep personal matter for me. 

6. What is your Freedom message? 

Let me quote the great Romanian thinker Mircea Eliade: “Our belief in the freedom of thought and expression allows us a discussion not only among free people.”

Follow the work of FNF South Caucasus Project Office on their Facebook Page.

You can meet the other members of the Freedom Team in East and Southeast Europe, featured in this interview series, here:

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