How Liberal Parties Can Counter the Populist Challenge?

A Regional Workshop in Bulgaria
How Liberal Parties Can Counter the Populist Challenge

A regional workshop “How liberal parties can counter the populist challenge: the example of asylum, migration, integration and border security" took place on 15-16 Dec 2016. The purpose of this workshop was to equip participants with the toolbox to use effective political and communication strategy fighting the populist challenge successfully before, during and after elections.

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During the event participants were introduced with the issue of populism and more specifically the contemporary form of the right wing populism and its thrive in Europe. There were representatives of partner parties from Armenia, Azerbaijan, Bulgaria, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Croatia, Georgia, Ukraine and Russia, with specific background in communication and strategy building. 

Facilitator of the event was Mrs Grace Pardy from Austria, who has an extensive experience in campaign managing and brand marketing. The participants went through three core topics: populists` playing field, emotions and brand building. During the workshop they were divided into working groups tasked to select one of the represented at the workshop parties and to define pressure points of the society in the specific country. The second task of the groups was based on the defined pressure points to frame the profile of the voters. Each of the working groups presented then to the audience the results of its discussion.

Stay tuned for a series of video interviews soon.