Learn more about FNF's work in East and Southeast Europe

Find out more about our work from our new flyers
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Welcome to FNF East and Southeast Europe!

Learn more about FNF's work in East and Southeast Europe from the video above and our new flyer! 

Have you wondered what the global priorities of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation are? Are you interested to get to know how the Regional office of FNF East and Southeast Europe and the 6 Project offices of FNF in the region work? 

Learn about the highlights of the FNF's work for promotion of liberal values and freedom in the 22 countries of the region by downloading for free our flyer. The flyer is now available in both English and German. 


  • Download the NEW Flyer of FNF ESEE in ENGLISH

  • Download the NEW Flyer of FNF ESEE in GERMAN