The Rule of Law Conference in Istanbul

Mr Hasim Kılıç

Mr Hasim Kılıç

On October 16, the Freedom Research Association (FRA), an Ankara-based liberal think tank, hosted its ‘Rule of Law Conference’ in Istanbul. Around 100 participants took part in the event, which was supported by FNF Turkey. Some of the most renowned legal experts from Turkey and abroad, such as a former President of Turkey’s Constitutional Court, Hasim Kılıç, LSE Professor of Public Law Martin Loughlin, Joel Martinez of the World Justice Project and numerous renowned Turkish legal academics took part in the conference as well. The conference received broad media coverage from more than 100 media outlets and there was even a live broadcast of the opening remarks.

The Rule of Law Conference in Istanbul

Among other topics participants discussed the numerous problems with judicial independence in Turkey, Turkey’s standing in the World Justice Project’s Rule of Law Index as well as the general judicial and constitutional structure of Turkey, with special reference to the Turkish penal courts and well as the Hıgh Council of Judges and Prosecutors - the key institution managing the judiciary and responsible for appointing and dismissing judges.

FRA also used the opportunity to present the findings of their comprehensive research report on the rule of law in a panel session comprising 4 current or former members of judiciary. The research presented was carried out with the support of FNF Turkey.

FRA’s report on Rule of Law in Turkey (in English) is available here.

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Visit the FNF Istanbul Office on their website and Facebook page.