Team Building of the Regional Freedom Team

Team Building of the Regional Freedom Team

The Freedom Team of the Regional Office of FNF East and Southeast Europe gathered for a great team building workshop from 16 to 19 December 2015. The team building focused not only on targeted communication, but as well on getting to know better the colleagues on personal level and on the interpersonal relations in the team. An interesting fact is that just in 2015 four new members joined the FNF Regional team. Furthermore, these few days of team building created many fun and memorable experiences that contributed to the great freedom-inspired team spirit. The team building was a great opportunity for self and group reflection, overview of 2015 and planning for 2016. Now, everybody in the team is already looking forward to the next team gathering. 

The facilitator of the workshop was the Managing Partner and Founder of “Strategy & Politics Management Consulting”, Dr Peter Traub. It is worth noting that back in the 1990-s Dr Traub used to be Director of the Regional Office of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation in Bangkok, Thailand, so he knows well the overall organizational culture of the Foundation. 

Have a glimpse at the team building of the Freedom Team of the Regional Office of FNF ESEE: 

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