Voices of Tolerance from Promoting Tolerance Current Fellows

Confronting Populism, Bigotry and Intolerance in Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and Poland
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Watch and read the voices of tolerance of the fellows of the Promoting Tolerance Programme 2017. Find below interviews and quotes with fellows from Turkey, Ukraine, Georgia, Lithuania and Poland.  

The topic of the 25th edition of the Programme is “Confronting Bigotry and Intolerance in the Face of Rising Populism”. First we focused on the challenges that populism creates in the different countries. 

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The main challenge comes from the government in the moment, they make use of the fragmentation of the society, instead of curing the fault lines, they create earthquakes in society.

Murat Köylü
Murat Köylü, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Turkey

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For me one of the biggest threats of populism is the destructive populist competition.

Marek Tatala
Marek Tatala, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Poland

The lack of power and courage to do reforms is the biggest threat.

Marius Gorochovskis
Marius Gorochovskis, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Lithuania

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We need to be more successful in communicating with our constituencies than the populists. It means more engagement and listening. We need to learn their concerns, not demonize the voters of populist parties.

Murat Köylü
Murat Köylü, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Turkey

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We should get rid of echo chambers and tunnel views. We should not speak only to the people like us, but we should speak with the people, who are not like us.

Murat Köylü
Murat Köylü, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Turkey

Furthermore, we asked the fellows about their proposals on ways to confront bigotry and intolerance in the face of rising populism. Find below some of their replies. 

Education is the key shield and weapon for confronting bigotry and intolerance.

Irakli Mikiani
Irakli Mikiani, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Georgia

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A long term solution to fighting populism is education. Furthermore, show the real consequences of populist policies and as well present the truth.

Marek Tatala
Marek Tatala, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Poland

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We should teach young people that empathy, understanding, talking to each other is good.

Svitlana Osipchuk
Svitlana Osipchuk, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Ukraine

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All solutions must come from grass roots movements.

Marius Gorochovskis
Marius Gorochovskis, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Lithuania

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Promoting Tolerance is relevant today, because it is the best way to promote open societies, which allow for both personal and economic development. An open society is the best way to achieve prosperity in the future through tolerance, openness, more economic and civil freedoms.

Marek Tatala
Marek Tatala, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Poland

Promoting tolerance is relevant today, because there are still many excluded groups, which are discriminated for their otherness.

Svitlana Osipchuk
Svitlana Osipchuk, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Ukraine

Promoting tolerance is relevant today, because tolerance is the only approach, which highlights the individualism and respects the autonomy of an individual.

Irakli Mikiani
Irakli Mikiani, Promoting Tolerance Fellow 2017, Georgia


Watch below voices of tolerance in a series of videos, devoted to the quarter of a century of the Programme. The videos include full recordings of 25th Anniversary (including the keynote speeches and panel discussion) and a series of interviews with high-level guests, alumni, panellists, current fellows, FNF and AJC representatives. All videos can be found in the YouTube playlist below on our FreedomTV Europe channel.  

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