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6387 Results

Global World Order and Globalization Hub

The World Order and Globalization Hub in Washington, D.C., has been the central collaboration platform for all topics relating to globalization and the global economy since 2017.

A Journey Of Hope

In the heart of Kajiado county, Kenya, where the sun-drenched savannah meets the sky, lies a sanctuary of hope and empowerment - the Nice Place Foundation. This remarkable institution stands as a...

Nice Place Training

The European Union and Latin America: Democracy, development and Freedom

Global challenges, political uncertainties and the aftermath of the COVID-19 pandemic, the erosion of democratic institutions and freedoms has become a critical concern. This paper addresses the urgent need for renewed cooperation between the

The European Union and Latin America: Democracy, development and  Freedom

2nd MORE Report: II. Dendias in Tirana once again

This executive summary of "Dendias in Tirana once again" is part of the 2nd Media Observatory Report (MORE). MORE is part of ALGREE project and aims to highlight through recent case studies how media...

dendias tirana

Global Security Hub

Since 2017, the Global Security Hub has been the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom's central point of contact for all security and defence-related activities.

Global Partnership Hub

Since 2021, the Global Partnership Hub in Nairobi has been dedicated to developing concepts for global development cooperation between partners on an equal footing.

Dr. Luis Calvo Calvo

Director of Humanities Reserarch Institute

Dr. Luis Calvo Calvo

Perspectives on the "fiestas" in the 21st century

Nowadays, with the accelerated changes of all kinds that our society is undergoing, the party, in addition to its intrinsic values, can acquire other dimensions that make it an instrument for...


La Unión Europa y América Latina

Los desafíos globales, las incertidumbres políticas y las secuelas de la pandemia COVID-19, la erosión de las instituciones y libertades democráticas se ha convertido en una preocupación crítica. Este documento aborda la urgente necesidad de renovar

La Unión Europa y América Latina

Human Rights Defenders: Journalists

The UN Declaration on Human Rights Defenders was adopted 25 years ago. The third edition of the publication "Human Rights Defenders" portrays media professionals who often accept personal threats to...