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Women in Action: The Protagonists of Their Own Stories

Last Saturday, December 2, in collaboration with the Civic Republican Foundation, we held the "Women in Action" program. The event brought together more than thirty women and marked the culmination of...

Evento Mujeres

Addressing Human Rights Challenges in Africa: Perspectives and Solutions

As the world marks International Human Rights Day, ongoing global struggles with wars, coups, and election irregularities raise grave concerns about the continuous violation of fundamental human...

Human rights day

The Issue Is Not Unification, but Forced Unification

For Taiwan’s 2024 elections, what does a vote for the KMT, DPP, and TPP mean? The two authors present a comprehensive analysis on how cross-relations matter to the electorate and situate the 2024 elections from historical perspectives.

The Issue Is Not Unification, but Forced Unification

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was drafted as a direct reaction to the Second World War. The United Nations General Assembly proclaimed the declaration on December 10, 1948. It is the cornerstone for the dignity and rights of all people.

Universal Declaration of Human Rights

Advancing ASEAN´s Regional Integration

Discover the latest "ASEAN Integration Report 2023" exploring the youth-centric priorities outlined in the AEC Blueprint 2025. Unveiling insights on Labour Mobility, TVET, MSMEs, and the Digital...


Connecting the Disinformation Dots

“The disinformation landscape across Europe” is a project conducted between March and December 2023 by the EU Disinfolab thanks to the support of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom. The project collected factsheets, leading to the

Connecting the Disinformation Dots

Disinformation Landscape in Poland

The "Disinformation Landscape Across Europe", by FNF Europe and EU Disinfolab, highlights the disinformation landscape across EU Member States. From the most emblematic disinformation cases and recurrent narratives to the community actors and the

Disinformation Landscape in Poland

3H Movement XIV. Liberal Youth Congress

Our partner 3H Movement, which has been the most active liberal youth organization in Turkey since its foundation in 2006, held its XIV. Liberal Youth Congress. Changing Paradigms in Türkiye was this...

XIV. Liberal Youth Congress 2023

Velda, Kerim, İpek - Belonging Trilogy

The Universal Declaration of Human Rights was proclaimed on 10 December 1948 at the 183rd session of the United Nations General Assembly held in Paris. Our partner Civil Education aims to bring the...

Birielri Theatre 2023 Belonging Trilogy

Big stage for social entrepreneurship

This year's edition of the "IBDA3 LAB" incubation programme ended with a festive closing ceremony. Thirteen budding entrepreneurs presented their business ideas to a large audience for the first time...

ibda3 lab