The 10th FNF-JPI Workshop: Trust Building Process Step by Step

The 10th FNF-JPI Workshop: Trust Building Process Step by Step

The Park Geun-Hye government’s one of the main multilateral cooperation initiatives is Trust-Building Process for the preparation of Korean unification. Trust-Building Process is the policy of peace and prosperity on the Korean Peninsula through cooperation and dialogue.

To facilitate the idea, in early September, Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom and Jeju Peace Institute organized the annual joint workshop in the beautiful Island, Jeju. This 10th joint workshop discussed the theoretical and practical aspects of inter-Korean cooperation and utilization of the DMZ as a policy tool to pursue Korean reunification. It specifically focused on German past experience that can be applied to utilize the DMZ as a starting point for reunification.

Our Keynote speaker, Dr. Park Jin, the president of Asia Future Institute gave a wonderful speech on creating World Eco-Peace Park in DMZ as a symbolic monument to opening of an era of peace in Korea and Northeast Asia.

The 10th FNF-JPI Workshop: Trust Building Process Step by Step

The academic director of DDR (former East German) Museum, Dr. Stefan Wolle’s presentation on Ostpolitik followed the keynote speech. Dr. Yang Chang-Seok, Auditor, Gaeseong Industrial District Foundation gave a speech on Kaesong Industrial Complex as a role model of Special Administrative Industrial Regions.

Our foreign guest from Mongolia, the chief of Institute for Strategic Studies, Dr. Dorjraa Munkhtur’s speech on OSCE (Organization for Security and Cooperation in Europe) in East Asia was also interesting. The former president of “Institute for Unification Education, Dr. Park Sang-Bong’s opinion on unification education issue gained many participants’ sympathies.

Not only at the workshop but also in the welcoming and farewell reception, all the participants freely and actively discussed further and shared their opinions on the topic.

The 10th FNF-JPI Workshop: Trust Building Process Step by Step