Alumni Gathering on Seonjaedo Island

Alumni Gathering on Seonjaedo Island

In late August former Korean scholarship holders of the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom (FNF) and FNF Korea office came together for their annual excursion. This year they decided to hold a gathering on the island of Seonjaedo, 30 kilometers southwest of Seoul.

Attendees had the chance to hear a presentation on the foundation's projects in North Korea and about recent trips to Pyongyang and Wonsan. Yeun Kee-young, professor at Dongguk University Seoul and one of Korea’s leading experts on Sports law, gave a highly appreciated talk on Buddhist wellbeing and connections between religion and music. Furthermore, trips around Seonjaedo and to neighboring islands, including visits to a local thermal power plant, to Glass Island Museum and the Paper Art Museum were enriching the program. The facade of the power plant was designed by one of FNF alumni.

Alumni gatherings and excursions are held several times a year by FNF to connect the foundation's former Korean scholarship holders amongst each other and to strengthen its network. Among all foreign alumni networks South Korea has one of the largest and most active communities. Thanks to its committed Korean members FNF Korea is able to host these enjoyable trips and get-togethers frequently.

Alumni Gathering on Seonjaedo Island