Death of Kim Jong Il: Interview with Walter Klitz

In a short interview with Mr. Klitz speaks about the death of Kim Jong Il and possible consequences for the DPR Korea and Northeast Asia.

Mr. Klitz, Kim Jong Il died. How does this affect the regime in Pyongyang? Will it start to crumble?

Klitz: We should not expect that. There is no power vacuum. Since three years Kim Jong Il’s son Kim Jong Un has been prepared for the handover of power, although they expected a longer transitional phase.

So the picture of the very powerful man is a false perception of Kim Jong Il?

Klitz: It would be wrong to think that Kim Jong Il made all decisions by himself. North Korea is ruled by a family clan. Kim Jong Un will be the next leader and thereby supported by his family. This will not change the system.

The Asian stock-markets have already responded to the current situation. What will be further political consequences of Kim Jong Il’s death for the region?

Klitz: It is possible, that more deliberate provocations will occur, especially in the Yellow Sea. Perhaps nuclear tests will be imposed for the third time.

South Korea put its military on alert…

Klitz: …which is only a precautionary measure.

Many can still recall the images, when the father Kim Il Sung died. Will these images recur?

Klitz: North Koreans are in sorrow, the scenery of 1994, when Kim Il Sung passed away is very similar. Like his father, Kim Jong Il was mother and father at the same time for the people and is treated as an icon. In North Korea people have strong emotional ties to the leader of the country.