European Elections

European Elections

How the member states contribute to the politics in the EU – German Case

In light of the upcoming elections of the European Parliament, a special lecture took place on the European elections at Ewha Womans University, on April 22.

The lecture was opened by Professor Lee Hyeong-Kyu, President of the Korean Association of FNF Scholarship Holders, who called all participants to take a minute of silence in commemoration of the victims of the ferry incident in Jindo happened a few days prior to the event. The lecture was opened by Professor Lee Hyeong-Kyu, President of the Korean Association of FNF Scholarship Holders, who called all participants to take a minute of silence in commemoration of the victims of the ferry incident in Jindo happened a few days prior to the event.

Expert on the EU law, Professor Brigit Daiber from Seoul National Universityelaborated on the roles of the national parliaments in the EU, in terms of theEU legislation. She pointed out the constant amendments of the EU treaties tendto weaken the role of the national parliament, in favor of avoidingcomplexities in getting the ratification by all 28 national parliaments.However, Germany made sure the participation of its federal parliament in theEU legislation process. According to the so called “German Responsibility’,German government must get the consent from the parliament in amending Europeantreaties, which strengthens the role of its national parliament in the EUlegislation process.

The special lecture was co-organized by the Public Diplomacy Center of Ewha Womans University, the Korean-German Chamber of Commerce and Industry and the Friedrich-Naumann-Foundation for Freedom Korea office.

European Elections