FNF actively participates at Jeju Peace Forum

After returning from yet another trip to the DPRK, Walter Klitz, the Seoul-based resident representative of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom participated in the 6th Jeju Peace Forum as a speaker.

The organizers of the international forum, gathered about 1200 experts in Jeju in order to discuss and outline a “New Asia for Peace and Prosperity”.

In recent years the forum has expanded its scope to issues facing the entire world. What started as a biannual meeting in 2001 became an annual event, broadening its focus from regional peace to economy, environment, culture and other issues and, according to the organizers, strives to emulate the role model of Davos.

In a plenary-panel of six speakers on “Korean Reunification and New Opportunities”, Mr. Klitz addressed the audience and highlighted that creating a climate of trust is crucial in order to make any progress on the Korean Peninsula. It would be essential, he stressed, “to interrupt the loop of recrimination and to renounce the use of force” if the aim of peaceful unification is to be sincerely pursued.

For more information follow this link to an article within the Jeju Weekly.