FNF scholarship department’s staff member Kathleen Klotchkov visited Korea

FNF scholarship department’s staff member Kathleen Klotchkov visited Korea

In November, Ms. Kathleen Klotchkov who is with the scholarship department of the Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) visited Korea. The purpose of her stay was to meet former scholarship holders and to maintain contact with the Korean Association of FNF Scholarship Holders (KAFS). Among the foundation’s offices abroad, FNF Korea has the best organized network with its former scholarship holders. With more than two regular programs a year, KAFS joins FNF Korea’s projects very actively.

The highlight of Ms. Klotchkov’s visit was a seminar on education and training, which was held at the Koreana Hotel, Seoul. In this seminar, attended by roughly thirty former scholarship holders and friends of FNF Korea, Ms. Klotchkov presented the status of the foundation’s scholarship program. Afterwards, Mr. Kim Jung-gu, former head of Commerzbank Korea and FNF scholarship holder, gave a presentation on risk management, stressing the importance of preparing for old age. Jeon Dong-yeol, professor at Hongik University, dealt with the decreasing demand of German education in Korea. Mr. Torben Karasek, BMW's CFO in Korea, enriched the event with his presentation on his company’s new products and facilities in Korea.

Ms. Klotchkov also met international cooperation teams of major universities in Seoul. Apart from Seoul National University she visited Yonsei, Ewha Womans and Hanyang University. She explained the education system in Germany and the FNF’s scholarship program as well as other organizations’ scholarship programs in Germany. Her hosts shared their experiences and know-how on managing international students.

In particular, the College of Business Administration of Hanyang University introduced the FNF’s scholarship program to its students after her visit. Other universities were also committed to promoting FNF’s scholarship program to their students.

FNF’s scholarship department was established in 1973. Over the past four decades the foundation has been sponsoring thousands of students worldwide.

For more information on FNF’s scholarship program, please visit our Scholarship section.

FNF scholarship department’s staff member Kathleen Klotchkov visited Korea