Networking in Tokyo

Networking in Tokyo

In March it’s cherry blossom season in Tokyo, so the right time to go there. Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) Korea office is responsible for monitoring the political situation and networking in neighboring Japan. When FNF project director travels to Tokyo it’s mainly for network activities concerning members of liberal regional networks and government officials. For the last trip to Tokyo this March three appointments were of special relevance.

Firstly a meeting with representatives of the Democratic Party of Japan (DPJ) including Yukihisa Fujita, who is member of the Lower House and the international department of DPJ. Core point of the meeting was the convincement of DPJ to return to play an active role in CLAD (Council of Asian Liberals and Democrats) after they retrieved from the liberal parties' network after election defeats in 2012 and 2014. 

Another special appointment attended by the project director was a roundtable discussion on the history of German social policy hosted by the Think Tank Japanese for Tax Reform. Dr. Richter chaired the event and the subsequent discussion concerning budget and fiscal policy of the current governments in both, Germany as well as Japan.

On a visit of the German embassy in Tokyo the PD had the chance for an exchange of ideas with H.E. Ambassador Carl von Werthern and PR envoy Robert von Rimscha regarding new FNF projects promoting the Japanese-Korean reconciliation. 

Furthermore he met different Think Thanks and German journalists to discuss recent political issues in Japan and Korea, and the security and economic policy under Prime Minister Abe, as well as his policy towards North Korea and the work of FNF in Pyongyang.