Roundtable Discussion with Prof. Ackermann at KERI

Roundtable Discussion with Prof. Ackermann at KERI

The founder and head of John Stuart Mill Institute for Freedom Research and the professor at SRH University Heidelberg, Prof. Dr. Ulrike Ackermann visited Korea last September and had a chance to meet Korea Economic Research Institute (KERI), the representative institute in Seoul for study on free market economy.

Friedrich Naumann Foundation for Freedom (FNF) arranged the roundtable discussion at KERI so that Prof. Ackermann could share her knowledges with Dr. Kwon Tae-shin, the president of KERI, Dr. Lars-andre Richter, the representative of FNF Korea, and other researchers of KERI. This roundtable discussion was a good chance to build a network between the liberal institutes across countries.

The topics of the discussion were very wide such as from economic states of South- and North Korea to Economic issues and refugees’ problem in Germany and Europe.

John Stuart Mill Institute is the prominent liberal institute in Germany and belongs to SRH University Heidelberg.